15 Notorious Serial Killers and Why Everyone’s Obsessed with Them 您所在的位置:网站首页 10 most terrifying serial killers and cult leaders 15 Notorious Serial Killers and Why Everyone’s Obsessed with Them

15 Notorious Serial Killers and Why Everyone’s Obsessed with Them

2023-03-24 19:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

15 Notorious Serial Killers and Why Everyone’s Obsessed with Them. What is it about serial killers that catch the public's eye? While some people claim that they have no interest in them, they’re still the same ones who follow the news when a killer is on the loose. Then, when they’re captured, they want to ensure they get their just deserts. For others, it isn’t about seeing the person get their karmic justice. The question that comes to their minds is how could someone do such a thing? What kind of situation leads a person to kill another? It’s a very valid question.

Every day, we go about our daily lives thinking that everyone is doing the same, but that isn’t the case. The New Yorker once released a report that estimates there are currently 2,000 serial killers at large in the United States. 2,000! That means that someone you walked passed this morning could be a serial killer.

Some people wonder if this epidemic roots from the fact that media treats them like celebrities. Then, there are the books, interviews, movies, television shows, and so much more.

If people found the topic so abhorrent, then why is it so popular? If something is considered taboo, it isn't turned into one of the best-selling genres out there.

Granted, not every serial killer is treated the same. There have been plenty of killers that weren't covered because they don’t offer anything unique. Then there are some like Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, and the Son of Sam. Their uniqueness is what made them even more horrible, but it was also what caught our eye.






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